Hi everyone: Christmas Eve is around the corner and so is 2023.


When I was a kid, my Dad told me as you get older time seems to “speed up”. Not sure what happened to 2022 but it sure seemed to go fast. Guess Dad did know a thing or two.


My snowmobiles are in their usual state. Two broken down and one working with the winter season right around the corner! Hoping Santa will bring me a good mechanic for Christmas.

However, once again Deer Lake got a Christmas gift from an unlikely source.

Our member of Provincial Parliament, the Honorable Graydon Smith sent me a letter via email regarding the status of our Pyke Road Boat ramp. In the past we had received some resistance from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) about any individual or organization doing repairs to “their” boat ramp. I reached out to our MPP to complain.

Graydon Smith, whom is the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, has apologized for any miscommunication regarding the MNRF’s role supporting parties interested in improving the lake access. He told me to contact Amanda Vincent, the Resource Management Coordinator, to arrange our minor maintenance requirements. I have since spoken to Amanda (awesome lady!!) and we will be able to schedule repairs as early as April 2023.


Joey Snow of Ironmen Construction quoted approximately $1200.00 +HST for repairs with the possibility of an additional $600.00 in gravel requirements only if required.


Provided Friends of Deer Lake (FODL) has the funds available through new memberships, membership renewals and/or donations we will be able to complete the boat ramp repairs. Nice timing as it will be just before we have to put our boats in the water.


I wanted to thank Miss Jessica Cojulun, our website guru, for her dedication to the FODL community. She will be working with Natasha Smith to transfer care and control of the FODL website so we can maintain the high quality we have done in the past. Thanks for all your help, Jessica. Welcome Natasha!


Finally, thank you to all Deer Lakers, for protecting our pristine water and the environment. All lakes are under siege for a variety of climate reasons and a little prevention effort goes a long way to the sustainability of our favorite lake in the province.


Please tell all your friends and neighbors about FODL and our ongoing efforts to preserve Deer Lake. Most importantly tell them about YOUR efforts. Deer Lake needs all of us!



STAY SAFE and see you in 2023!


Dave McAllister

Chief Loon