Canada Lake Loon Survey
The Common Loon is a welcomed sight on Deer Lake each year, bringing joy to residents, cottagers, and boaters. For many of us, the Loon’s ethereal call embodies the very spirit of our Canadian summer. The Canadian Lakes Loon Survey data suggests that Common Loon reproduction has declined over the last 30 years. Their population has being negatively impacted by pollution, human disturbance, habitat loss, and other threats. We can help.
In collaboration with Bird Studies Ontario to help determine the health of the loon population on Deer Lake, we take part in the Canadian Lakes Loon Lake Survey, and we can all participate!
Canadian Lakes Loon Survey participants have worked since 1981 to track Common Loon reproductive success by monitoring chick hatch and survival. Participants dedicate at least three dates, visiting their lake once in June (to see if loon pairs are on territory), once in July (to see if chicks hatch) and once in August (to see if chicks survive long enough to fledge).
Participants also work as stewards within their communities sharing knowledge of better boating, fishing and shoreline practices, not only protecting and supporting loons but the many other aquatic species that share our waterways.
Families, lake property owners, fishermen and boaters can all help monitor the health of our lake. By participating in the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey we can take our recreational activities to another level – active participation in science towards conservation.
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