Endangered Species

In Ontario, there are over 230 plant and animal species that are at-risk of extinction or of disappearing in Ontario, a number which is growing every year. Their loss or decline affects the functioning and resilience of food webs and landscapes – jeopardizing the well-being of all living things, including humans.

The Friends of Deer Lake are working with the Government of Ontario to report Species At Risk, and everyone can get involved. Species of conservation concern include species at risk as well as rare and rapidly declining species. The Government of Ontario actively collect this information to track and communicate species conservation statuses in Ontario, Canada and across their global ranges.

Click here to view species at Risk in Ontario’s 

Our observations are critical to the understanding of species biodiversity and conservation in Ontario. If you believe you’ve seen a species identified in the link above, make as many observations as you can, and if possible, take a picture. Send your sighting information to contacts.fodl@gmail.com

We work with iNaturalist.ca, a place where we can record and share what we see in and around Deer Lake.. By participating as a citizen scientist we contribute to a growing wealth of knowledge of Canadian species and help conserve our natural world.

Potential Species at Risk on Deer Lake

Blanding’s Turtles live in shallow water, usually in large wetlands and shallow lakes with lots of water plants making Deer Lake a prime habitat for the Blanding’s Turtle.

While there have been sightings of the Blanding’s Turtle on Deer Lake, it is important to understand how fragile their environment is, and what we can do to help the Blanding’s Turtle survival.

If you spot a Blanding’s Turtle:

  • Report a Blanding’s Turtle Sighting – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry tracks species at risk such as the Blanding’s Turtle. Click here to report a sighting.

  • Be a good steward. If you find a Blanding’s Turtle on your land, you may be eligible for stewardship programs that support the protection and recovery of species at risk and their habitats. Contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for information on stewardship programs.

  • As with many other rare plants and animals, the Blanding’s Turtle is at risk due to the loss of wetland habitat. You can help by protecting any wetlands and surrounding natural vegetation on your property.

  • Every year, turtles all over the province must cross busy roads to get to their nesting sites. Female Blanding’s Turtles sometimes mistake gravel shoulders of roads as good nesting sites! Watch for turtles on the roads, especially between May and October.

  • Never buy native species of turtles or any turtles that have been caught in the wild. If you see native species of turtles for sale in a pet store or food market, please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

  • Volunteer. There are a number of volunteer opportunities through the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre.

  • The Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas also collects observations of all Ontario reptiles and amphibians. Submit your observations at: www.ontarionature.org/atlas 

  • Visit the Toronto Zoo Adopt-a-Pond website to learn more about Ontario’s rare turtles, their habitat and related conservation initiatives www.torontozoo.com/Adoptapond

Resources and Links:

Ontario Nature Endangered Species

Ontario Species at Risk

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