2023 4 TH Annual Deer lake AGM and Party!!
WOW!!! What a fantastic day our 4 th Annual BBQ and AGM was for all attendees.
Weather was warm, drinks were cold, food was hot and the company was electric.
It is nice to see people from all corners of our lake assemble to enjoy time together, share stories and concerns and just get to know each other. The circle is small but you still have to want to be in it!!
Two different counts yielded two different numbers but the FODL committee handed out be between 130 to 140 name tags!! That is a lot of burgers and Hot Dogs. Thanks to all that donated wine or beer or other drinks and snacks. Thanks again to the Benninger’s who allow us to use their facilities, parking and even the BBQ itself so fun can be had by all. Peter that is quite the layout you have and we all appreciate it. Unfortunately our guest speaker Fire Chief Maki was unable to attend but we managed to enjoy the beautiful late summer day anyway!! See how is schedule will be next spring and see if we can revisit his messages.Hats off to the “chefs” whom did a great job handling the hungry crowd as the day wore on. Next year we will be adding additional BBQ capabilities so the food line will move even quicker. We will even cook the meatless Hamburgers on a separate grill for those that require it that way. FODL would like to thank to Guy and Heather of Tamarack Trail, Shawn and Cindy VanSickle, and our corporate sponsors for donating wonderful gifts for our 50/50 draw and prize packages. Special thanks goes out to Treena Tessier , a guest on Deer Lake, whom donated almost all of her 50/50 winnings back to the Deer Lake coffers!!
What can you say about our band other than “thank you” Jeff the band was perfect keeping us entertained with a carnival like atmosphere!!
To Lauren and Elyse whom sold $760.00 worth of tickets even to those with just bathing suits on!! No cash no problem!!Really appreciate Cindy VanSickle and Jack LeDrew for offering to stay on the FODL membership committee.
Thanks for allowing me to continue being the Chief Loon!!The applause was much appreciated and I promise to continue to keep our favorite lake the place we all want to come to for many years to come!!
Talk soon…